![header image](/mathematics/mathlab/img/mathlab-hero-md.jpg)
Student Resources
Learning Resources
Private Tutoring
We do not offer private tutoring by appointment, and cannot easily predict how busy the lab will be at any given time. Please keep in mind that the labs are usually very busy before tests. If you would like to arrange a private tutoring session, you are responsible for making an appointment with a tutor and negotiating tutoring rates. We maintain a list of tutors in the lab who are also interested in tutoring on a private basis. Copies are available in IDC 102, or as requested. Please email MathLta@sbcc.edu for a current copy of the list.
Online Tutoring
Every Californian has access to free online tutoring available 24/7 through an initiative offering homework help and skill-building resources for adult learners. This resource is provided by The California State Library through Brainfuse and offers assistance for the following Math courses: Algebra, Precalculus, Trigonometry, and Calculus I.
Tutoring on Campus (Other Subjects)
Check out the SBCC tutor schedule for tutoring that happens on campus for other subject areas.
Worksheets and Directed Learning Activities
We have a collection of worksheets available if you would like more practice on a specific topic. Copies of our most popular worksheets are available in the lab, and you can request printouts of any of the worksheets listed here. Digital copies of most are available here:
- TI-83 and 84 calculators
- Downloading programs for TI calculators
- Introduction to Maple (PDF)
- Maple example: Numerical solutions to differential equations (PDF)
- Maple Troubleshooting (PDF)
- Graphing Examples in Maple
- GraphnCalc83 App for smartphone: Adds a graphing calculator to your smartphone!
- Introduction to fractions
- Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers
- Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions
- Adding and subtracting fractions
- Multiplying and dividing fractions
- Converting between fractions, decimals and percents
- Common errors and misconceptions in algebra
- Operations with functions
- Graphing functions: translations and reflections
- Negative and rational exponents
- Simplifying expressions with exponents
- Simplifying expressions with negative exponents
- Translating word phrases into expressions
- Word problems in one variable
- Word problems: linear systems in two variables
- Systems of equations: Substitution
- Systems of equations: Elimination (part 1)
- Systems of equations: Elimination (part 2)
- Solving quadratic equations by factoring
- Solving quadratic equations using square roots
- Solving quadratic equations by completing the square
- Solving quadratic equations using the quadratic formula
- Completing the square
- Graphing quadratic equations in standard form
- Factoring Procedure
- Factoring trinomials: Trial and error method
- Factoring trinomials: Grouping method
- Rational Expressions
- Adding and subtracting rational expressions
- Multiplying and dividing rational expressions
- Multiplying and dividing rational expressions
- Simplifying rational expressions
- Rational equations (part 1)
- Rational equations (part 2)
- Rational expressions to simplify and rational equations to solve
- Basic calculations with logarithms
- Logarithms: Definition
- Logarithms: Properties
- Logarithmic equations (part 1)
- Logarithmic equations (part 2)