I've Applied, Now What?
After you submit your application, you will receive an email from the university confirming
receipt of your application. The email will also contain information on what you need
to do next. Most UC and CSU universities will have you create an account on their
Campus Portal where you can monitor the status of your application. Follow all the
instructions carefully and meet all deadlines. Also, make sure to check your email
and the campus portals regularly.
University of California (UC) - Do not send your transcripts to the UC campuses unless you are specifically requested
to do so. In lieu of transcripts, UC requires students to submit a
Transfer Application Update (TAU) with your Fall grades and updated Spring/Summer classes. UC Berkeley requires
additional forms to be completed. Click on the campus to go directly to the university's general information
for students who have already submitted an application.
California State Universities (CSU) - Some CSU campuses will instruct you to send official transcripts by a specific deadline
prior to making the admission decision. Check your email and the campus portal regularly.
Some CSU campuses, like San Diego State and Long Beach, require supplemental information
from all applicants. Some majors at CSU campuses also require supplemental information
from applicants. Always follow the instructions you receive from the campus for the
specific term you will be transferring. Click on the campus to go directly to the
university's general information for students who have already submitted an application.
California Private and Out-of-State Universities - Each university will have a different process so make sure to get acquainted with
the university's admission website and pay close attention to all emails.
Don't forget about your grades - Grades from the current term will most likely be used in making the initial admission decision. Grades from
the final term at SBCC will be used to maintain and secure your offer of admission.
When will I know the admission decision? If you have applied for a Fall term, students are usually notified between February 1 - June 1. Typically the campuses that receive the highest number of applications notify students
later in the process.